Outsourcing is a strategic solution in the condition of today's economy which allows resolving an enormous number of problems associated with cost reduction for application software development, reinforcement of the company's position in the market, and enhancing the quality of services, at the same time minimizing expenses for their development.
The fundamental and indisputable advantage of outsourcing of a part of a company's business activity is the possibility to concentrate more efforts on achieving main business objectives of the company without not only incurring additional expenses, but on the opposite, saving up to 40% in the budget allocations.
Presently, more and more companies choose to outsource their IT infrastructure, web-hosting, application software development, maintenance and support efforts of Network Operation Centers, etc.
SBS offshore development center is located in Hyderabad, India. This allows us scientifically reduce the costs for the development process to achieve considerable savings over local or in-house development efforts.
SBS hires only high-skilled specialists, which gives an incontestable advantage in comparison with other offshore development companies.